Research and News
BMIT eNews
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | Spring, 2020
- COVID-19 Call for Proposals (Deadline May 21) - Remote Access for microCT Data Reconstruction and Visualization Server - New Technique: Laminography - 300 Publications and Counting! - Cycle 32 Call for Proposals Results - Around the Beamlines - Pictures of the Season
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | Fall 2019
- CT Data Processing Using UFO-KIT and Dragonfly (May 20-22, 2020) - 10X magnification capability is now available - Cycle 32 Call for Proposals - Important Notes for Preparation of Proposals - Around the Beamlines - Pictures of the Season - Upcoming Conferences
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | Summer, 2019
Summer 2019 update on research projects at BMIT
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | Spring, 2019
- February 2019 Success! - CLS Annual Users' Meeting (WEBCAST May 9, 2019) - Cycle 30 call for proposals - New equipment at BMIT - Around the beamlines - Pictures of the season - New Publications - Upcoming Conferences
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | July 06-th, 2018
Welcome Arash Panahifar, BMIT Associate Scientist Cycle 29: Call for proposals opens August 1 Cycle 28: Results of the Call Around the beamlines BMIT User Data Back-up on WestGrid Experiment Support at BMIT
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | March 23-rd, 2018
Cycle 28 - Results of the Call Cycle 27 Updates BMIT User Data Back-up on WestGrid New Equipment at BMIT
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | July 20-th, 2017
- Welcome Sergey Gasilov, BMIT Scientist! - Cycle 26 Results - Cycle 27 - Call For Proposals Opens July 26 - Micro-CT Option for Cycle 27 Proposals - BMIT User Data Back-up on WestGrid - Experiment Support at BMIT - Shedding Light on Cardiac Regenerative Medicine
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | August 31-st, 2016
- 2016 Summer BMIT Team - BMIT Staff Changes - Cycle 25 - Results - Seminar: Real-time Semiconductor Dosimetry in Radiation Therapy, Michael Lerch - Initial tests of the Wide Field of View Radiography and CT scanning on ID beamline.
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | July 31-st, 2016
- Call for cycle 25 opens. - BSO Update - POE-2 Door Issue. - BSO Update - SOE-1 lock-up pathway change. - CCAC assessment of BMIT - BMIT user group growth. - BMIT Alternate Detector Holder System (ADHS).
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | June 30-th, 2016
- BMIT staff outreach - summary. - MSK Imaging Tenure Track Positions. - Monochromatic Microbeam Radiation Therapy (m-MRT).
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | May 31-st, 2016
- Cycle 25 planning. - BMIT Staff outreach. - Lab/hutches access requirements. - Creating a Better Tool to Predict Bone Strength in Humans.
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | April 30-th, 2016
- Cycle 24 results. - BMIT Staff outreach plan. - Injection delays. - Studying model suspensions using high resolution PBI CT.
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | March 31-st, 2016
- Invite BMIT staff to your lab. - Images of Research competition: call for submissions. - CLS Graduate Student Travel Award Program. - Non-destructive investigation of soft tissue preservation in amber using SR X-ray µCT.
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | February 29-th, 2016
- Call for proposals - Invite BMIT staff to your lab. - New staff at BMIT - Xia Liu. - Improving Cochlear Implant Surgery.
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | January 31-st, 2016
- Call for proposals - IEEE EMBS ISC 2016 - Invite BMIT staff to your lab. - Study of Lanthanum Compounds for the Treatment of Bone Density Disorders.
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | December 22-nd, 2015
- 2015 in (technical) review / 2016 outlook - SYNC 801
BMIT eNews : BMIT eNews | November 30-th, 2015
- BSO Reminder - MASR Conference - Beamline review - Shutdown Activities Updates on Energy Dispersive Biomedical Imaging System.
BMIT eNews : September 30-th, 2015
- BSO Reminder - Figure 1 app - Imaging Bone Turnover using Spectral K-edge Subtraction Technique.
BMIT eNews : August 31-st, 2015
- BMIT Beam Team Elections - Last Call - Cycle 23 call for proposals - closing tomorrow - Growth and hunting behaviour of hatchling Tyrannosaurus rex
BMIT eNews : July 31-st, 2015
- BMIT Beam Team Elections - Cycle 23 call for proposals is open - BMIT User Data Back-up on WestGrid - Merlin for Medipix3 detector - Cortical Bone Remodeling of the Rat Forelimb
BMIT eNews : June 30-th, 2015
- User survey - Website - CLS summer school - Open house - Schedule - 3D-printed bio-materials with in-line PCI-CT
BMIT eNews : May 31-st, 2015
- Flat panel detectors - ICTMS in Canada - POE-2 user program - Plants with PCI
BMIT eNews : April 30-th, 2015
- Big data - Experiment support at BMIT - Preservation of amber inclusions
BMIT eNews : March 31-st, 2015
- BSO update - MASR - 10 yr. Anniversary - X-ray energies app. - Cartilage engineering in situ
BMIT eNews : January 31-st, 2015
- Call for proposals open - 05B1-1 4 yr. Summary - Compute Canada Globus - Bone cells
BMIT eNews : December 31-st, 2014
- 2014 summary - Dosimetry non-compliance - New emergency buttons - Piglet scan
BMIT eNews : November 31-st, 2014
- Proposals results - BMIT collaborative projects opening - Oil recovery
BMIT eNews : October 31-st, 2014
- Fall shutdown review - Lab regulations - Dental fillings ex vivo with CT
BMIT eNews : September 30-th, 2014
- Working to fix cycle 21 call for proposals - Safety message - High power beamline commissioning
BMIT eNews : August 31-st, 2014
- Synchrotron graduate courses - UAC election results - Cystic fibrosis with PCI
BMIT eNews : July 31-st, 2014
- Proposals walk-through - Summer school & software roundup - Mouse lung vasculature
BMIT eNews : June 30-th, 2014
- ESRF highlights - Call for proposals change - Osteoarthritis with PCI-CT
BMIT eNews : May 31-st, 2014
- User support award for George (#2!) - Change room access cards - Lung air-blood transfer
BMIT eNews : April 30-th, 2014
- 9 summer school spots left - THRUST proposal call open - Rhodnius prolixus with CT
BMIT eNews : March 31-st, 2014
- Commissioning opportunity - Radiation therapy training school - First 05ID-2 images
BMIT eNews : February 28-th, 2014
- Higher parking fees - BSO updates - Beam expander update
BMIT eNews : January 31-st, 2014
- Summer school - Dosimeter rack - 2013 summary - Fangtooth
BMIT eNews : December 20-th, 2013
- Summer student opportunities - The Cancer Imaging Archive - MRT at ESRF
BMIT eNews : November 30-th, 2013
- New silicon samurai - 05ID-2 commissioning update - Lungs of live mice with DEI
BMIT eNews : October 31-st, 2013
- SYRA3 - 18 to 100 plus keV in SOE-1 - Grating based Talbot interferometer imaging
BMIT eNews : September 30-th, 2013
- BSR award - 05ID-2 status - Beam expander
BMIT eNews : August 31-st, 2013
- SOE-1 radiation shielding up - New publications - Two K-edges with a single beam
BMIT eNews : July 31-st, 2013
- In vivo imaging of cortical porosity by synchrotron phase contrast micro CT - Cycle 19 call for proposals - Soft tissue imaging of the temporomandibular joint using phase contrast and DEI
BMIT eNews : June 30-th, 2013
- SRI summary - IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference - Remodeling in bone disease
BMIT eNews : May 31-st, 2013
- SRI invitation - Lead safety - Rapid bubble dynamics in dough
BMIT eNews : April 30-th, 2013
- Cycles 17 & 18 - 05B1-1 control room has moved - Dual-Energy X-ray Analysis (DEXA)
BMIT eNews : March 31-st, 2013
- Limitations due to SR current - New access cards - Canine & human prostate imaging with CT
BMIT eNews : February 28-th, 2013
- Synchrotron song - BMIT Future Directions Forum Summary - Dental paleopathology with CT
BMIT eNews : January 31-st, 2013
- Address change - Breast cancer research grant - Mucus secretion - 2011/2012 summary
BMIT eNews : December 20, 2012
- Please welcome Ning - BMIT planning - Grating-based phase contrast
BMIT eNews : November 30, 2012
- Physics-based Simulation of Human Anatomy - First 05ID-2 image - Precision bending for crystal monochromators
BMIT eNews : October 31, 2012
- BMIT Future Directions Forum - Agarose at SPRING-8 after MASR - Pig bones with CT-DEI, CT-PCI, & planar DEI
BMIT eNews : September 30, 2012
- Last chance for MASR - SOE-1 commissioning update - Lungs with DEI-MIR & DEI-CT
BMIT eNews : August 31, 2012
- The silicon samurai - Publishing and Reporting of Results - X-ray coherent scatter imaging
BMIT eNews : July 31, 2012
- 05B1-1 call for proposals - ESRF - Effects of microbeam radiation therapy on DNA
BMIT eNews : June 30, 2012
- What x-rays see - Cycles 15, 16, &17 - Bone strength with micro CT
BMIT eNews : May 31, 2012
- Executive Update from Dean - Please welcome Rob - Human ovaries with phase contrast CT & DEI
BMIT eNews : April 30, 2012
- Cycles 15 & 16 - SRI & MASR - Mucus secretion with PCI & DEI
BMIT eNews : March 31, 2012
- Human evolution from teeth - Incident reporting - Synchrotrons in health research class
BMIT eNews : January 31, 2012
- 05B1-1 call for proposals - MRT Dosimetry and Planning Interest Group - Strontium in bones with micro CT & KES
BMIT eNews : December 19, 2011
- Cobalt-60 - Recognition of user excellence - Happy holidays (blast from the past)
BMIT eNews : November 30, 2011
- Cycles 14, 15, & 16 - Summer student opportunities - Better detectors for breast tissue biopsy samples
BMIT eNews : October 31, 2011
- First live dog - Water leak - Microbeam Radiation Therapy
BMIT eNews : September 30, 2011
- Where it all began - New MSDS database - Locust with CT
BMIT eNews : August 31, 2011
- George receives user support award - Live animal imaging guide - Arthritis with DEI CT
BMIT eNews : July 31, 2011
- New POE-2 user chicane - Collaborative live animal imaging development - Accuracy studies with BMIT CT, DEI, K-edge, & PCI standards
BMIT eNews : June 30, 2011
- SAC highlights - Cycle 13 summary - PEM fuel cells with absorption imaging
BMIT eNews : May 31, 2011
- Please welcome Adam - Cycle 14 Scientific Review Results - Joint strain with CT
BMIT eNews : April 30, 2011
- Call for Beam Team nominations - Experimental data naming policy - Embryonic teeth with PCI
BMIT eNews : March 31, 2011
- Call for proposals - 05B1-1 status - Vascular & cellular porosity of bone with micro CT
BMIT eNews : February 28, 2011
- Training updates - BMIT trivia - First fresh human breast tissue with DEI